Ambelli helps individuals re-claim their lives by boosting access to basic necessities, social services and opportunities for training and development.
Our soup kitchen delivers meals to the doorsteps of those in need and our workshops train the unemployed including youth.
Did you know that Thessaly has the third highest youth unemployment rate in the EU? We're tackling that problem head-on.
No man is an island.
We recognize that we are all in this together. Ambelli helps re-build communities by spearheading initiatives that engage and benefit all.
Our public events, community farms, cultural tours and workshops bring different generations together for debate, learning and action.
And in the aftermath of our Storm Daniel, our facilities have served as an important hub for disaster relief across the region drawing support from European and Greek partners.
We reconnect to what matters most - people, nature and a way of life that has withstood the test of time.
Our commitment to sustainability, cultural promotion and community engagement gives due respect to the past while actively shaping a dynamic future.